У жовтні-листопаді 2016 року в роботі Центру Мовної Підготовки брала участь спеціаліст Фонду Фулбрайта, професор Університету штату Канзас, Стейсі Хатчінсон.
Наводимо її відгук про роботу ЦМП:
"During my stay at the National Mining University, I had the opportunity to participate in English language lessons offered through the English Linguistics Center.
The 3-hour lessons are highly interactive and focus on the development of proficient speaking, but also address writing and professional development in English.
The teacher creates a vibrant learning atmosphere by using active learning techniques including audio material, group discussions, presentations, and games with current cultural information.
This is further enhanced by the use of drama productions in English that encourage students to not only speak, but also act out dramatic scenes to strengthen their confidence. The classroom is a well-managed, friendly environment that stimulates the learning process.
It was a great pleasure to be part of this learning environment and share my native speaking skills with the students." S.L. Hutchinson
відгуки про засідання СR-клубу
Тут ви можете побачити маленьку частку тих теплих слів, що випускники ЦМП залишили в книзі відгуків.
With all my love and gratitude for showing me the way (to stars :-)
Викторія Бондарець, Керівник проекту Roland Berger Strategy Consultants
Юрій Синиченко, програміст, TOB "ISD"
English is my life and my future!
Наталія Четверик, СEU, Budapest, Hungary,
Master of Arts in Economics
"The more languages you know, the more times you're a person"
Максим Грищьов, Інвестиційна Компанія "Прайм Капітал"