Національний ТУ «Дніпровська політехніка» — відповідність Часу

Critical thinking club


During my time with the Foreign Language Department at the National Mining University, I had the opportunity to visit a class taught by associate professor Maria Isakova focused on critical thinking skills.  Associate professor M. Isakova did an outstanding job of creating a learning environment that forced the students to think critically about their degree program and the workforce they desire to join upon graduation while working to develop their professional English language skills.  She opened the class with a question about business and brainstormed with the students to develop a list of answers.  After working as a whole class, she broke the students into smaller groups for more focused discussion.  Groups presented their discussion in a debate format that emphasized different English language phrases that are likely to be encountered in a professional setting.  Overall, I thought associate professor M. Isakova did an excellent job of creating an educational atmosphere that challenged the students to think critically while also introducing nuances of the English language.

prof. S.L. Hutchinson, Kansas State University, USA

 I was at Maria Leonidovna’s lesson dedicated to detective stories.

I can’t say I was a big fan of detectives, or even was interested in detective stories. But Maria Leonidovna was able to tell us the detective story in such an interesting way, that I lost my head from the events inside the mysterious, detective story, and I liked it!

I hope our next lesson will be so exiting to!

 Artiom Grin, the student of Linguistic Centre, NMU


Сьогодні я відвідав клуб креативного і критичного мислення. Це заняття було дуже пізнавальним для мене. До цього часу я не знав, що наші думки залежать від чужого впливу.

Я виніс для себе важливий урок і відтепер буду завжди намагатися думати незалежно.

слухач Центру мовної підготовки Павло Синиченко, ст. гр. ЕМС-12-1


Сьогодні дивилися відео, які справили на мене гарне враження. Ми спілкувалися та ділилися думками. Це дуже цікавий клуб, усім раджу до нього піти!

слухач Центру мовної підготовки, Ілля Герасименко, ст. гр. ЕП-12-1




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