The Linguisic Center at the Department of Foreign Languages of the State Higher Educational Institution "National Mining University" invites everyone to improve their level of language proficiency.
Detailed information can be obtained by telephone 47-02-05
October the 30th, 2014. The teachers of our departmentt Dyachok N. V., Sukhova V.V. and the Fulbright scholar - Brian Chang has held a master-class in reading sonnets of William Shakespeare. The sonnet 123 received new breath, tone and feelings. Each speaker was trying to convey special feeling of these well-known lines of English poetry.
October the 30th, 2014. New play "The taming of the shrew" was presented on the English Drama theater stage. Young, but already experienced actors, suggested their own version of this famous play by William Shakespeare. The performance was prepared by the students of our University: Julia Sveshnikova, Valentin Martsenko, Paul Slepchenko, Valery Bezkorovainy, Julia Denesuk and Alexandrar Saitova, who are known from their previous well-known and popular performances.
October the 28th, 2014. The students of the Linguistic Center took part in the performances, which were held in celebration of 80th years celebration of the Department of Foreign Languages. Our talented young people showed the author's performance "Why we dream". Our students V.Vorobjova, N. Klimenko, A. Kononenko, A. Rukami, A. Shvydko, A. Gaiciuc, A. Lahviniec, N. Mekshun, A. Hrapal and J. Kibkalo took part in this performance.
Thanks to the creative work of both the Director and the author of this play P. Egorova the performance turned into bright and poetic spectacle. It had received enormous and prolonged applause.
The other theatricality "The beauty and the beast" had attracted the attention by its bright, unusual and mystical story. The classic children's fairy was transformed into exciting action. The tension was kept within the audience until the very last moment of the performance.
17th February 2014. Everyone had the opportunity to attend the presentation of Alice Bragnik, a student of the group MN-10-4, who has visited the United States according tp exchange program in the Linguistic Center of the NMU. ("Global UGRAD The Global Undergraduate Exchange Program).
Exchange program for students of higher educational institutions (UGRAD) is a program of the Bureau for education and culture of the U.S. State Department and is supported by the people of the United States of America. The program provides opportunities for bachelor students to study within one academic year at universities in the USA.
The requirements are simple: age over 18 years; student status (1st-3d courses); English (upper intermediate level); the presence of foreign passport.
The program provides the opportunity to study the academic year abroad (in the United States) at the specialty that you choose yourself. Choices are big enough: Accounting, Agriculture, Anthropology, Biology, Business studies, Chemistry, Computer science, Criminal justice, Law, Economics, Engineering, Management, Psychology, International relations, Journalism, Physics, Political science, Psychology, Sociology and others.
Alice told that this was a unique opportunity to visit the United States, to receive a certificate of training, to improve language skills, to make new friends, to learn about other cultures. In addition, the program includes a lot of interesting tasks that you must perform in addition. For example, 20 hours of volunteer work. This can be absolutely different spheres: work in orphanages, kindergartens, assistant to the concert and so on. For each hour of work it is necessary to report a supervisor with the help of photos.
And also, it is worth mentioning an interesting event, where all the representatives of different nationalities are given the opportunity to talk about their Homeland. You can sing, dance, cook the national dishes or just show presentation, the main thing is it should be interesting.
Students may attend various concerts, exhibitions, matches in their spare time. In addition, you will be paid a scholarship, which you can spend. All attended events are marked with stamps in a special passport. It reflects all your activities and is evidence that you have attained certain skills and are culturally enriched.
Important advantage is also the fact that students have the opportunity to undertake the internship during the second semester.
The program also guarantees you food and accomodation. Comfortable and modern hostel is located only within the campus. The computerized libraries open constantly.
After graduation, you should immediately return to your home country.
So, if you have the desire to participate in this program it is necessary: 1.Apply on the website 2. Pass the international TOEFL. 3. To attend an interview. The last two points are obligatory, only if you have passed the first round (application). If you pass, you will be called the representative of the program and invite further to the exam and the interview, which take place in Kiev. The deadline for submitting applications this year - not later than 17:00 the 28th of February. More detailed information can be found on the website. Thank you Alice Bragnik for such an interesting presentation about the wonderful learning opportunities abroad.
Catherine Piyak,
student group MN - 12 - 02
Everyone starves to be happy!
The English Drama Theater, which is located in the Linguistic Center at the National Mining University has been working for a year. Many participants enjoyed the opportunity to play in bright performances, which take place twice a year. One of such a play, one of the wonderful show, took place on the theater stage. It was performed by the students of the NMU and students of the Linguistic Center December the 19th. Young people involved in this event, with pleasure and responsibility took everything that happens and the result was successful. It was shown three small plays: "A Harlem Tragedy" by O. Henry, "Super dead man" by D. M. Larson and "Fahrenheit 451" by Ray Bradbury.
The theater actors experienced positive emotions, charming spirit, new experience, new feelings. Each of the participants individually and but all together had agreed in opinion that, first of all, the theater makes them happy. As you know, happiness is in the details, so the English Drama Theater invites everyone to participate in these performances. Try to be Real actors, find new friends, gain positive emotions and become a bit happier.
Catherine Piyak
student group MN-12-02
From December the 23th the winter session has begun at the National Mining University. As always, this is too difficult time for both students and teachers. The Linguistic Center continues its work at this time. And we wish more "A" marks and the speedy passing exams and credits!
Let's celebrate New year 2012
27.12.2011 a New Year Party was held in the Linguistic centre.
The NMU students invited schoolchildren and their parents to celebrate .
here you can find some words from those who took part in the event